About Us
- About Us
In 1963, using manufacturing technology acquired from US headquartered Hughes Aircraft Company, the Welding Products Division of Nippon Avionics Co., LTD introduced resistance welding equipment to the Japanese market under the Avio trade name.
We began developing our own products in 1975 and now have been advancing the "joining" industry for nearly half a century.
Today, we support this industry with resistance weld, pulse heat (hot bar bonder), ultrasonic, laser, high-frequency induction heater and other “joining” methods.
The Avio product line is one of the most extensive offerings in the industry.
We provide joining products that meet customers' "joining" needs in nearly all applications including electronic components, smartphones, automotive parts, lithium batteries, motors, wiring and many materials from metals to resins.
Visitor Information
Shin-Yokohama Plant
4206, Ikonobe-cho, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama, 224-0053, Japan
Thai Representative Office
Level 2, Summer Point Building
7, Sukhumvit 69 Road, Phrakhanong Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110